Are you being found online? Are you struggling to move your website onto the first page of search engine results? Is your traffic converting at lower rates than you hoped? If so, your site probably lacks the proper search engine optimization (SEO) required to maximize your business’s visibility.

What exactly is SEO? It’s the art and science of understanding and utilizing website code and content in order to build your brand awareness and your subject matter authority. This helps your business be found for the keywords your customers are using, and it earns you links. At Revert Design’s, we’ve devoted years to honing and developing the skills necessary to take the mystery out of Search Engine Optimization.

How Do We Do SEO Differently?

We conduct in-depth research on your industry and target market, uncovering what they search for and how they search for it.
We evaluate your website’s current SEO status with a fine-toothed comb, all the way down to its images. Then we continue to track progress in a clear and organized manner so you can see your goals being met in real time.
No two websites or businesses are alike. We’ll customize an equally unique SEO strategy for your business with your budget, current SEO situation, and goals in mind.
Link building is an extremely important part of earning supreme rankings – but it must be done naturally to avoid penalization. With our link building services, we take the time to ensure that credible and authoritative resources want to link to you.
Links seen as “unnatural” in Google’s eyes can do some serious damage to your website’s rankings. If you think unnatural backlinks are causing your rankings to drop, or you’d just like to ensure that you’re in the clear, we’ll analyze the links pointing to your website, and take action as necessary.
Local SEO is on the rise, and is, therefore, extremely important, especially if you have one or more brick-and-mortar locations. To serve up the most relevant information, Google considers geographic location when users perform searches. If your business has a weak or non-existent local SEO presence, you may not show up at all. That’s where we come in.

What Is SEO?

SEO or Search Engine Optimization is the name given to activity that attempts to improve search engine rankings.

In search results Google™ displays links to pages it considers relevant and authoritative. Authority is mostly measured by analysing the number and quality of links from other web pages.

In simple terms your web pages have the potential to rank in Google™ so long as other web pages link to them.

Why is SEO Important?

While you may use strategies like splash pages and social networking sites to build audiences, they all point back to the main jewel in your online arsenal: the company website.  It is not enough to build an amazing website and then hope people find it.  What you must do is include elements in the website design that capture the attention of search engines.  That’s where your SEO efforts come into play.

The whole process of SEO is to:

  • Learn which pertinent keywords to include.
  • Create content that is relevant and meaningful.
  • Get the attention of search engines.

If your site is contains the products and/or services users hope to find when they enter a search phrase into a browser, then you have a very good chance of finding your site at least on the first page of the search results. When you have done a great job with SEO, your site will show up in the top three results, something that will drastically increase visits to the site.